A Better Way To Collect Phone Numbers
09 de Fevereiro de 2022
In the age of internet, email is often the preferred communication medium for businesses. However phone numbers are still very valuable and a more personal way to get in touch with customers. A phone number can also be used for texting or messaging with Whatsapp. To help you collect participants phone numbers, we are pleased to announce a new dedicated phone field that you can include in your contest forms.
The first way to integrate the phone field is wtih the opt-in in the Advanced Options of the Configuration section. By default it is set to collect names and emails but you can select the "name and phone number" option from the dropdown menu instead.
The second way is with a question in your contest form. Navigate to the Questions section and create a new question. Select "Text box" as the Question type and "Phone number" as the data type.
Here is a live demo with the new telephone number field. Try it for yourself and see how intuitive it is!
The participant's IP address location is used to preset the phone country code. The phone number is validated to ensure it has the right amount of digits. All numbers are formatted to use the same layout when you export them to Excel.
We hope you will try this new feature in your next contest and as always we welcome your feedback.